During the summer, Transport for London (TfL) has removed all the railings around the killer junction between the A1, Southwood Lane and Muswell Hill Road. However, a number of local residents are concerned because the previous barriers directed pedestrians to the few safe crossing points at this dangerous junction. Even more importantly, the pavement on the east side of the A1, near to the Woodman pub, is only 4ft wide, and used to be safeguarded by a pavement-edge barrier so that pedestrians were prevented from stepping out into the road to let each other pass, especially when mums with prams met pedestrians. The removal of this particular section of barrier means that pedestrians walking southbound along the A1 may unwittingly step out into the road and be mown down by southbound juggernauts. Also, pedestrians walking in either direction may be encouraged to walk far too close to the narrow pavement edge, thus risking being struck by the extra-wide overtaking mirrors carried on all commercial vehicles nowadays. A serious head injury to a pedestrian wascaused near here by such a mirror a few years ago. Highgate Conservatives have asked TfL to justify the removal of all barriers around the junction, and to say what prior consultation took place. Conservatives are calling on TfL to urgently reinstate the barriers in the area alongside the Woodman pub before a serious injury occurs.